Friday, May 25, 2018

Trusting God's Plan

I know I say it a lot, but thank you.  Thank you for praying.

God hasn't given us all the answers we were hoping for this week, but we know that He has heard!  And we are confident that He is still working!

God gave us a special little blessing this week as Samuel began to recognize and play with his toys!

Not many doctors were able to show up to the meeting Monday morning, and important information about the biopsy results wasn't shared until after the meeting, so we didn't have those results to guide our discussion.
The biopsy results came back inconclusive, so there are still no cut-and-dry answers as to next steps.
Since getting the results back, there have been differing opinions about further testing for Samuel, as some is more invasive than others, and none of it is likely to give conclusive results.
Samuel's girth is still measuring large, his x-rays still show his intestines full of air, and he hasn't had that big dirty diaper that we've been waiting on.

All of these things might make it sound like our prayers failed - like God didn't listen.  Maybe prayer doesn't change things...

BUT the story doesn't end there!

Throughout the week we have been able to talk to all of the doctors involved in the decisions.
One rather non-invasive test was done on Tuesday, and it was able to rule-out one disease that can cause this issue.
Samuel passed a small smear of mucousy stool Thursday night (we are talking minuscule in the grand scheme of things, BUT more than he has had unassisted in the past 5 weeks)! And his bowel sounds have been noticeably louder since then!
I have been listening to a sermon series on prayer, and this week has brought up discussions between Seth and I about prayer.  God has been using this situation to teach us a lot about the purpose of prayer!  (Stay tuned for a blog post about that!)

God is working.  Not at our pace, but why should He?
He hasn't given all the answers that we want, but why would He?

If God were to grant us everything we asked, in just the way we asked, right when we asked it, then we would be gods!  But we're not (thank goodness!).

Does prayer work?  Absolutely.  Because prayer is "simply" talking to God, and I guarantee that He hears every word that we say, as the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.
Will we always get the answers that we want?  No.  But that doesn't indicate a lack of faith or a God that doesn't hear.  It simply shows that God is omniscient - He knows better than we do - and He is sovereign.  That is a scary concept if you don't also believe that God is good - but He is!  And we know that He intends us no harm.  All of God's plans are for our ultimate good and His glory.
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'  Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.'"
Jeremiah 29:11-12
So we will continue to pray.
Pray that things will begin to really move this weekend, and that we will see results.  There is another more invasive test scheduled for Tuesday, and based on the results of that test they will likely schedule an ileostomy soon after.
That's the plan if nothing changes.
But we are praying that things will change!  We are praying that Samuel's bowel sounds will continue to get louder, and we will see more stool in his diapers throughout the weekend!
Please continue to pray with us as we trust God to do what is best.

As we always say...
This is His story, and it is ALL for His glory!

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