Samuel is out of surgery, and this is the reality of what it looks like.
It is so hard to see him so heavily sedated again, and it is so hard to watch him try to fight that sedation. It is hard to see him with fresh scars...
But the good news? The wonderfully joyous news that has had Seth and I in tears??
By the grace of God, the surgeon found an obstruction!!! Something fixable! Something that explains Samuel's bowel distention! It was so far down in Samuel's intestines that he said they never would have found it on a CT scan or with the contrast studies. His intestines had come apart at one point, and the two ends had sealed off. This is why the upper part of his intestines were so distended because there was no way for the gas to get out since it wasn't connected to the lower part of his intestines.
The surgeon said he has only seen something like this when a baby is born that way, but since Samuel's intestines seemed to work fine for the first 8 weeks of his life, he has no idea what would have caused this to occur later on. He said it was very "bizzare"!
The surgeon went ahead and performed an ileostomy because he couldn't connect the 2 parts of the intestines right now since the upper portion is so dilated, and the lower portion is much smaller. Lord willing, in 3 to 4 weeks they will be able to go back in and reconnect them!
In the meantime, we are praying that Samuel will rest and heal up well from this surgery, and be able to start feeds in a few days!
God's grace is so overwhelming! We will continue to praise Him on the hardest of days, and in the most joyous of moments!
Thank y'all for praying with us!!!
This continues to be His story, and it is ALL for His glory!
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That is the most wonderful news! Praise God! You all have been in my thoughts and prayers!