Friday, April 6, 2018

Surgery is Over - Praise God!!!

Samuel is out of surgery! It lasted a little over 3 hours, and the surgeon said everything went well! He is resting comfortably!

Samuel's aorta is now repaired, and he has bands on his pulmonary arteries to control the blood flow to his lungs due to the 2 VSDs (holes in his heart).  His mitral valve seems to be working well right now!  We will know more about the mitral valve and the state of his lungs in the next 48 hours. The surgeon said his lungs may get sicker before they get better, but they are hopeful.

Thank you all for praying!

Here are a few post-surgery prayer requests:
- pray that his mitral valve remains sufficient so that pressure doesn't build up inside his heart
- pray that his lungs recover quickly and don't become too sick
- pray for a speedy recovery and for Samuel to remain comfortable

Our God is a God of miracles!!!

If you have any words of encouragement, prayers, verses, or anything else you want to pass along to Seth, Samuel, or I as we continue in this journey, you can email us at

This is His story, and it is all for His glory!

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