Sunday, February 18, 2018

Change of Plans...Yet Again!

If there's one thing we've figured out from this pregnancy, it's that some things in life just don't go as planned.  This pregnancy it seems that nothing has gone as planned! But we know that God remains in control, and His plan is perfect.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
     Isaiah 55:8-9
Seth and I had just been getting used to our routine in our home-away-from-home, and we were enjoying having a comfortable place of our own!  But sometimes God calls us out of our comfort to do greater things.

Early Thursday morning we decided we needed to come back to the hospital because of some bleeding and increased contractions that I was experiencing.  They admitted us to labor and delivery because I had dilated further than before and they wanted to closely monitor things and hopefully keep my body from progressing any further.  Thankfully, the contractions began to slow down some so they sent us to the Antepartum unit where we wouldn't have to be monitored so closely.  Things were looking up, and by Friday the doctors were saying that we would be able to go "home" in the morning as long as everything remained unchanged!
Coming into the hospital Thursday morning I had been so worried that Samuel was going to make his appearance that day.  We were praying that God would continue to allow him to grow to 39 weeks, and that we wouldn't have to stay long at the hospital.  This seemed like an answered prayer!
But God doesn't always work in the ways we want Him to - another lesson we have learned over and over again during this past year.

Early Saturday morning I woke up only to realize that my water had started leaking overnight.  We called the nurse in to confirm, and that started a whirlwind of activity.
They gave me oral antibiotics and started me on IV antibiotics in order to prevent any kind of infection.  Unfortunately since it was 5 in the morning and I hadn't eaten all night the antibiotics made me quite sick, which just added to the drama of the moment.  Several doctors came in to assess, and fortunately I still had not dilated beyond a 2, but my contractions had increased.  They did an ultrasound to see how much fluid Samuel still had, then they started me on another round of steroid shots for Samuel's lungs, and decided to send me back to labor and delivery for close monitoring.  It was a long morning/afternoon, but praise God, things eventually began to slow down again!  Although I was still leaking amniotic fluid, my contractions slowed way down, and Samuel's heart rate and movement looked great throughout the whole process!  Right before dinner time they decided I was stable and could go back to Antepartum, which was a very welcome change since I had to be on a clear liquid diet all day while in L&D!

Now things are just a waiting game, as they have been, but it seems now that the timeline may be a little shorter than we had hoped.
I had always heard that if your water breaks you have to deliver within 24 hours, so I was very emotional at first thinking this was it.  But praise God that is not always true!

Here is what we currently know based on the events from Saturday:
The doctors quickly explained that it was only a leak, and since I had extra fluid to begin with, Samuel still had enough for the time being.  However there is now risk of infection, so that is what they have to keep a close eye on.  Typically when someone's water breaks before 34 weeks, they will try to keep the baby in until 34 weeks as long as there is no sign of infection, because most babies born at the 34 week mark can survive with extra care.  However, since Samuel has added medical complications they are currently willing to let me go past the 34 week mark (which would be February 23rd) as long as there are no signs of infection, and assuming that it doesn't send my body into labor on it's own before then.
Because everything is much more high risk now, I will not be able to leave the hospital until Samuel is born.  So I will continue on bed rest here, hopefully for at least a couple more weeks.  Definitely not what we were wanting, but we are thankful we are in a place where we can get immediate care!
Sleepover in the hospital! Thankful for these 2 being by my side the past couple of days!

Things to pray for:
  • That the leakage of fluid would slow down.
  • That the antibiotics would be effective in keeping away any infections.
  • That the steroids would help to mature Samuel's lungs more quickly.
  • That the contractions would remain at a minimum, or even stop completely, and not cause early labor.
  • That the doctors would have wisdom on when to deliver Samuel.
  • That God would continue to touch Samuel's heart, lungs, and bones, and bring healing.
  • That delivery would go smoothly whenever it does take place.
  • That Seth and I would continue to feel the peace of God and surrender to Him every day.

Praise God with us because:
  • Labor has now been prevented 3 times!
  • Samuel still has plenty of fluid to safely develop for now!
  • There are currently no signs of infection!
  • Samuel has shown no signs of distress!
  • Samuel is head down!
  • We have a whole team of prayer warriors (you!) walking this journey with us and covering us with God's grace!

One thing that has not changed: we don't know how this story ends, but we are clinging to all that we know is true of God.
He has never forsaken us, and we will not forsake Him. As difficult as it's been to walk this road, we have seen His hand preparing the way for us throughout this whole journey!  And we have been so encouraged by many of you who have let us know you are praying for us, shared Samuel David's story with others, sent us notes of encouragement or encouraging songs to listen to, provided us with meals, or even come to visit us.  Each of those things means the world to us, and we are so thankful!
I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!
       Psalm 27:13-14
This is His story, and it is all for His glory!


  1. Praying for you and this precious little boy. I was on bed rest myself for 5 weeks and our baby boy spent an additional week in NICU after making his appearance. We will continue to lift you up in our prayers.


2 BIG Updates!!!

It has been a long time coming, but we are back! Back in the blogging world. Back to sharing our story in order that God may be glorifie...